
Grass, Fire, Water Areas
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The Grass Area is a lush forest where sunlight seeps in through the indestructible, glass ceiling. There are small streams and brooks.
The Fire Area is akin to the Fiery Path of the Hoenn region. It's steamy and hot. Most of it is a cave-like area with red stones, but a small portion is a savannah-like area.
The Water Type area is mostly a large lake with several ponds. There are bridges so trainers can actually stand up without a surf pokemon.
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Normal, Fighting, Flying Areas
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The Normal area almost looks like a small town, with various shacks. There are several small streams around and about, and like many other areas, there is a glass roof.
The Fighting area is made up of rocky terrain, but there are various areas that are akin to mini fighting arenas in the area.
The Flying Area is made up of tall trees and perches. Rarely will these pokemon ever touch the bottom.
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Poison, Ground, Rock Areas
The Poison area is a foggy and smoggy area where the air can be hard to breathe at times. It seems to be made up of abandoned shacks and temples.
The Ground area is sandy and almost akin to a desert. It's not nearly as terribly hot as an actual desert, but sandstorms can be kicked up.
The Rock area is almost mountainous. It has several difficult-to-climb areas and there are several caves to explore, but they're not very large.
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Electric, Psychic, Ice Areas
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The Electric area is a power-plant like area where there are pokeballs strewn about, alongside wires, magnets and batteries. It's an incredibly metallic area.
The Psychic area is a small cave with levitating stones. There are several openings in the cave's roof to allow sunlight in.
The Ice area is a snowy and volatile place where blizzards are often kicked up.
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Bug, Ghost, Steel Areas
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The Bug area is a humid foresty area. It's a lot thicker than the Grass area, and darker too.
The Ghost area is dark and gloomy. It's an old, dingy and haunted mansion.
The Steel area is an old, abandoned factory with plenty of spare metal fragments laying around.
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Dragon, Dark, Fairy Areas
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The Dragon area is a dark, medieval castle. There are torn tapestries on the walls, and gold coins and gems littered all around.
The Dark area is a dark forest, where there is no sunlight. Only a strange kind of silvery light exists. Bringing a flashlight is advisable.
The Fairy Area is a castle as well. But it's a pink and pastel colored castle that is in prime condition, akin to one that might be seen in a fairy tale.
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